Why Business’s now Prefer Students Taught by Industry Experts. Advancing Your Career Quickly.

Why Business's Prefer Students Taught by Industry Experts
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The Trend Away From Traditional Education

This trend can be attributed to several factors: Business have been calling for changes to education systems for years, but the problem always seemed to be ensuring balance between academic rigor and practical application and, finding industry experts with the time and teaching skills to contribute effectively,

Let’s take a look at what Industry experts can bring to the table:

1. Real-world applicability of industry-led teaching: Industry experts bring the reality of the workplace into the classroom. They can share practical case studies, industry trends, and current challenges faced by the field. This contextualizes theoretical knowledge and helps students understand how theoretical concepts translate into practical application.

2. Gap closing between academic theory and practical skills: Traditional academic curriculum may not always keep pace with the evolving demands of the workplace. Industry experts bridge this gap by identifying the specific skillset’s employers are looking for and tailoring course content and assignments to equip students with those skills. This reduces the learning curve for graduates and allows them to contribute meaningfully from day one.

3. Positive outcomes for graduate employability: Students taught by industry experts often develop stronger professional networks. Industry experts often have connections within their fields, potentially leading to internship or job opportunities for their students. Additionally, the endorsement of an industry expert on a student’s resume or portfolio can hold significant weight with potential employers, increasing their employability.

4. The role of industry experts in curriculum relevance and modernization: Industry experts can play a crucial role in keeping curriculums relevant and up-to-date. They can advise on emerging trends, evolving technologies, and industry-specific software, ensuring students are learning the most contemporary skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the current job market.

Benefits for Businesses Hiring Industry-Taught Graduates

Businesses have long recognized the significant advantages of hiring graduates equipped with the specific skills and knowledge gained through industry-led education.

These are some of the key benefits businesses experience when employing graduates taught by industry experts:

1. Streamlined onboarding with practical skill sets: Industry-taught graduates arrive equipped with the practical skills needed to hit the ground running. They are familiar with industry-standard practices, software, and current workflows, minimizing the time and resources required for on-boarding and training. This allows them to contribute meaningfully and achieve higher productivity sooner.

2. Innovative thinking sparked by contemporary industry knowledge: Exposure to the latest industry trends, technologies, and challenges through industry-led teaching fosters innovative thinking in graduates. They can bring fresh perspectives and a willingness to question and propose new solutions, potentially leading to increased creativity and innovation within the organization.

3. Building stronger industry-academia collaborations: Hiring industry-taught graduates strengthens the connection between businesses and academic institutions. This collaboration benefits both parties. Businesses gain access to a talent pool better equipped for their specific needs, while colleges can refine their curriculum based on industry feedback, further improving the preparation of future graduates.

4. Enhanced adaptability and problem-solving skills in a changing market environment: Industry experts, by nature, face constant change and adaptation in the workplace. This translates to graduates who are better prepared to handle dynamic environments. They generally possess stronger problem-solving skills with a greater adaptability to unforeseen challenges, making them valuable assets to the business.

By actively seeking graduates taught by industry experts, businesses gain a competitive advantage in attracting highly skilled, innovative, and adaptable individuals ready to contribute to their success from day one.

For the employee, there is the added benefit of gaining a well paid job upon graduating, and choosing other areas to specialize in if they decide to do so.

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