Is a Writing Certification Pointless in the age of AI?

Thought-provoking-modern-digital-artwork-symbolizing-the-debate-over-the-value-of-a-writing-certification-in-the-age-of-AI.-- One half of the image represents a classroom the other half represents AI technology with abstract features like colored circles and lines emitting from a human head.
Image: Created by AI

Obviously this is just my opinion. Yours may be different, feel free to leave a comment below the article.

The Role of AI in Writing

AI-Powered Content Generation

AI has undoubtedly revolutionized the way content is produced. However, it was only a matter of time as it was always evolving from chatbots that answer customer queries, to algorithms that generate news articles.

So, AI is increasingly becoming a powerful tool in the content creation process, it is not the “be all end all” of writing. Far from it actually. Chat AI’s are predominately meant for retrieving data, product specifications for example.

Now, people are using AI systems to churn out articles, product descriptions, and even poetry faster than any human writer.

As one well known blogger Jon Morrow, (Smart Blogger) said, “If you want to produce quality content it is best not to churn! While AI is a great help, content needs the human touch.”

The Limitations of AI

However, AI is not without its limitations. While it excels at producing formulaic and data-driven content, it often falls short when it comes to creativity, nuance, and empathy.

AI lacks the ability to understand human emotions and experiences fully, making it challenging to create content that resonates on a personal level.

A guy with glasses looking wide eyed in disbelief at something. Used in the article: Is a Writing Certification Pointless in the age of AI?

If you are using AI for content writing, then be careful what you are asking of it. Left to its own devices it will wander off on a tangent and give back all sorts of useless information not even closely related to what you want to talk about.

Essentially it can be an editors nightmare. The first paragraph may be good, but what follows can be a heap of gogglygook, even if it has saved you time and done a good job of setting out the topic outline.

Benefits of a Writing Certification

Improved Writing Skills

Obtaining a writing certification offers valuable benefits that extend far beyond the capabilities of AI.

  • Writing programs provide structured education.
  • Feedback, and mentorship, helping individuals hone their writing skills.
  • This includes mastering grammar, style, tone, and storytelling techniques.

We should add editing capabilities as well.

Credibility and Trust

A certification can set you apart in a competitive writing market.

Certified writers find it easier to establish credibility and trust with their audience.

Cartoon type characters as a school teacher and student. The teacher is pointing to 2+2 on the blackboard, and the student has a question above his head. Used in the article: Is a Writing Certification Pointless in the Age of AI.
Image: Pixabay.

Clients and employers often prefer writers with recognized qualifications, as it assures them of a certain level of expertise and professionalism.

Sure you may use AI, but you have to detail what you want AI to produce for you.

So, essentially you are the teacher and AI is the student. As I said above left to its own devices AI will deliver all sorts of garbage.

Career Opportunities

I have answered questions and done reviews of writing and editing courses on this site over quite a period of time.

The fact remains that a writing certification does open doors to a wide range of career opportunities.

Whether you aspire to be a journalist, novelist, content marketer, or technical writer, even a Freelancer, having a certification can make you a more attractive candidate for job positions and freelance projects.

Sure, you usually need a portfolio, but gaining experience is not that difficult. When starting out writers have a tendency to be mobile, sometimes in an effort to build a portfolio they are their own worst enemy, and will join a race to the bottom with their pricing.

As you gain experience and confidence, writers (the consistent ones), eventually find their way into higher paying work. It’s just the nature of the beast.

One of my first gigs was for a car dealership. They paid me $25.00 to write 300 words for their weekly ad copy which appeared in the Saturday newspapers. It took about 20 minutes of my time, and $25.00 back then was not too shabby for 300 words.

One other thing about AI: If it is taking jobs, why are businesses chasing writers of any skill level to do social media jobs for them?

Some organisations are charging a membership fee just to get writers who are serious about working!

The Human Element

Creativity and Originality

One thing that AI cannot replicate is human creativity.

Writers bring a unique perspective, creativity, and originality to their work. They can craft compelling narratives, infuse humor and emotion, and adapt their writing style to suit various audiences.

Empathy and Connection

A photo of James Altucher. sitting with hands clasped under his chin. Used in the article: Is a Writing Certification Pointless in the age of AI.
James Altucher: Image: The Strive.

Writing is not just about words; it’s about connecting with readers on a deeper level. Human writers can tap into their own experiences and emotions, creating content that resonates with others.

Empathy is a quality that AI lacks, and it’s crucial for building meaningful connections with an audience.

One of the worlds better known bloggers, James Altucher said, “when writing bleed on the page“.

As AI continues to evolve, the writing profession will also adapt. Writers may find themselves working alongside AI, using the tools they offer to enhance their productivity rather than replacing them entirely.

The ability to harness AI while maintaining the human touch will likely become a valuable skill for writers.

Practical Advice

For individuals considering a writing certification, here’s some practical advice:

  1. Research: Look for reputable writing programs or certification courses that align with your goals and interests.
  2. Build a Portfolio: Combine your certification with a strong portfolio of diverse writing samples to showcase your skills to potential clients or employers.
  3. Stay Updated: Stay informed about the latest developments in AI and technology to remain competitive in the industry.
  4. Embrace Collaboration: Consider how you can collaborate with AI tools to improve your writing efficiency and quality.


In conclusion, while AI has transformed the methods of content creation, writing certifications are far from pointless in the age of AI.

They offer valuable skills, credibility, and a human touch that AI cannot replicate. As the writing profession continues evolving, those who combine their writing expertise with the benefits of AI will likely find success in the dynamic digital world..

So, if you’re passionate about writing, don’t let AI deter you. Embrace the opportunities for growth and creativity that come with a writing certification, and you’ll continue to make a meaningful impact in the world of content creation.

For further resources on writing certifications and staying relevant in the digital age, consider exploring this comprehensive guide on writing education and career development.

Thanks for reading.

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