Is Cliqly an Easy Way to Earn Online? My No Holds Barred Review of the Mass Emailing Site

The Cliqly logo used in the article, Is Cliqly an Easy  Way to earn Online.

After an initial look at Cliqly, it seemed legit, and an “easy way to earn online” This review is based on my experiences. So far I have been involved for 3 days with this so called advanced email marketing, along with doing some research into the origins and related websites of Cliqly. And, of course a few comments (some with a hint of sarcasm), based on my observations.

I had a link to Cliqly sent to me by a friend, who had it sent to her, by another friend, asking if it were a scam or MLM.

Prior to that I had not heard of Cliqly.

After watching this video, which sounds like a pitch for a scam, ? I signed up for the free trial period to have a decent look at it. ?

Let’s start at the beginning.

Who owns Cliqly?

A dude called Bobby Jones is listed as President.

Bobby Jones owner of Cliqly. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?
Bobby Jones.

According to the story his first customers were a friend and his two kids… I get it… Dads don’t sell their kids crap…Unless…?

The narrator of the story told us in his perfect English voice, that his friend Bobby made $1,986,076.48 in the last 6 months sending emails.

The Whois information on Used in the article, Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
Questions… ?

Curiously, I looked up the link in the above video to see when the “last 6 months” actually was.

It was only registered last year (November 2022).

And… GmbH… Is it English? I think it is, the guy in the video has an English accent… interesting.

Apparently, Bobby owns a brand new Range Rover, a Maserati and a couple of other high performance cars, but his favourite car is a Bentley Continental GT, that he won in an Email contest! ?wtf...

Homer shocked. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?
Your kidding me…

He also owns a house that is more like a resort, and he takes expensive overseas holidays when he feels like it.

Bobby says he has been doing this for 27 years and has made over $75,000,000 online.

Let’s check this out… $75 mill…He should appear somewhere online, you would think.

I Googled Bobby Jones. I got Bobby Jones-Golf, Bobby Jones-Basketball, Bobby Jones-Legend

Well… unfortunetley the guy I’m looking for isn’t any of those Bobby Jones’s…

Bobby Jones's profile on Linkedin. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
From Tomball Texas, 9 followers after 27 years in business? ?

I did find a LinkedIn profile…It is essentially blank. ?

I had a look at a Google map of Tomball Texas, and never saw any Range Rovers, Continental Bentley’s or Maserati’s anywhere near an address I had found.

A Google shot of Tomball Texas. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
Maybe he had already picked up his burgers and fries in the Bentley?

The only other name I can see is Juan Gabriel Molina who is listed as the author of the Cliqly’s website.

Maybe Bobby is flying under everybody’s radar?

That being said, the Cliqly Facebook group is active with regular updates.

So, maybe we can take some confidence from that.. or maybe it is heavily monitored and the disgruntled are blocked.

Ohh….his birthday is June 28th. (saw it on Facebook).

[arrow_forms id=’27816′ widget=’true’]

Is Cliqly Legit?

Well, so far I have a good collection of red flags and I have barely started writing this.

From what I know about email marketing, I would say Cliqly is at a minimum 100% unethical. But being unethical doesn’t necessarily make something illegal.

How Cliqly obtained their emails is not mentioned. Did they buy email lists, or scrape them, or a bit of both? ?

The law I believe, says a person has to op-in to receive an email.

Emails are genuinely hard to get, they are the equivilant of gold for an online business, and those that have signed up to receive emails, are people who signed up because of an interest in a product or service.

Let me digress for a second…

Agif of an old style gramaphone with fish swimming around it, and the words Sounds Fishy at the bottom of the gif.Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?

I am making an assumption here, but in the video above where Gary (the English guy), says Cliqly are limited by the number of emails they can send, due to bandwidth, and something about servers preferring smaller lists, I was thinking… nah…B/S …

A mass emailing system is designed to send a large number of emails to a group of recipients simultaneously.

If you think about it, emails can be broken down to segmented lists, Interest, groups, products, etc.

An email service doesn’t care if you are a small or large business. In fact I would say the bigger the business the happier they are, as a big business will have plenty of work for them.

Currently the Cliqly email list stands at slightly more than 17 million (at the time of writing this).

Take Amazon for example, they would have no problem sending 10 times that number without problems.

Mailchimp, Aweber, GetResponse etc. all have similar capability.

I will call bulls**t on that, so, another ?

Is Cliqly’s Business Model a MLM?

It does have that feel about it, and I have reviewed a lot of MLMs. However, I did see the following on Quora.

Cliqly’s business model is based on the idea of paying users to recruit new users, which is a common characteristic of pyramid scheme.


I don’t see it as an MLM, there is no downline structure that is even remotely obvious to me.

I am thinking Cliqly is an Affiliate for some program, or maybe they have White Labelled a program, and are piggy backing off it by charging higher prices.

A debatable point I guess.

Anyway, after I signed up, I received the usual links in an email including one that went to the second part of Cliqly called Conversion House media, which contained among other things the rules for using Cliqly.

Hidden amongst the text there were one or two things I became curious about. The one below led me down a rabbit hole.

Please note that Conversion House Media only accepts email clicks that are generated from emails sent from either your Cliqly Email Account, CliqlyPRO, yourMyInboxPro Email Sending Account.


 So, who, what the hell is MyInbox Pro?

MyInboxPro. Is it connected to Cliqly?

Screenshot of the home page of MyInboxPro. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?
Where Have I seen “Advanced Email Marketing Simplified” before?

MyInboxPro is another of Bobby Jones’s email hustles. A look at the bottom of the page and you will see the address as–Tomball Texas.

What does MyInboxPro do?

It does mass email spamming marketing, only in a slightly different format. It is pre-paid with different price plans to choose from. My assumption is it could have been “white labelled” from someonelse’s program and Bobby claims it as his own.

Screenshot of MyInboxPro Plans and pricing. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
MyInboxPro Pricing
Screenshot of MyInbox Pro plan 5, Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.

I typed in BBB (Better Business Bureau), MyInboxPro into the Google search bar. Look what came up!

Octeth’s website sent a 404 (Website not available).

In number 2 spot is Clicktactix.

Checkout the address.

Screenshot of a google search for the BBB and MyInboxPro. Used in the article is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
The first thing that caught my eye was Tomball TX.
A screen shot of keywords used a MyInboxPro search with a red asterisk near the word Sendloop. Used in the article Is Cliqly an Easy way to earn online?

For the time being let’s continue with MyInboxPro.

I will get back to Clicktactix in a minute. Sendloop looks like an interesting rabbit hole to visit as well.

I can see nothing on the BBB about MyInboxPro.

MyInboxPro was registered in 2016, and it is still going judging by these reviews on TicTok.

Reading through the registration of MyInbox Pro, I find it is registered under De Marketing Inc, Tomball Texas. You can see all the details here.

Interestingly, when you log in on the Cliqly site, there are a number of videos on the site. In the video “In-Depth Training,” Bobby Jones talks about a friend who bought email lists from him.

So maybe there is a partnership, and they are setting traps to snare unwary victims gain clients.

How does MyInboxPro Work?

Basically the same as Cliqly, only you can segment your emails, design your own templates along with a couple of other bells and whistles.
I am thinking MyInboxPro is a clone of some other program with the prices changed.

There is no free trail.

Who or What is Clicktactix?

I looked across at the Google location of Clicktactix… Tomball Texas, and there are 2 Google reviews.

A gif of a guy putting his hand to his head as if saying "Ohh No". Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?
Both have a 1rating and both are saying email scam. ??

Scammers have a voracious appetite.

Actually Clicktactix is an App. A one page website promotes it with the slogan:

“Email Marketing Made easy, finally.

A screenshot of Clicktactix webpage, used in the article Is Cliqly an east way to earn online.
An email marketing App or email collection page?

BBB Review of Clicktactix.

It is probably best described as “Sprung! You have been exposed as a Scam”

At first I went to the BBB website and clicked where it said, website.

I got taken to MyInboxPro. ?

I went back to Google and scrolled down and found a link to Clicktactix, where I got the above screenshot. As you can see, apart from a short spiel and a sign up link there is nothing else to see.

The site is not secure, The privacy policy is “coming,” as are the terms and conditions. ?

The business is not a member of the BBB, which has rated it F (for fail), with a 1⭐average from 11 reviews. ?

Looking through the complaints on the BBB, Clicktactix is little more than an email address collection page, the most recent of which could be referring to Cliqly!

A gif of would you like fries with that. used in the article, Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?
Emails with fries.

No one mentions the App.

It sounds like a very dodgy business being operated out of Tomball Texas.

Possibly out of a hamburger shop with No Continental Bentley GT parked out front!

Example of a Clicktactix Complaint.

  • Initial Complaint 09/24/2022Complaint Type: Problems with Product/Service
  • Status: Unanswered

Tells you all you need to know.

Can you Really Make Money Annoying People with Cliqly?

Lets face it, 10 cents a click isn’t going to fill the coffers!

Screenshot of a Cliqly affiliate showing $177.9 in click income and $1888 in referral income.
Hmmm… Recuriting Spammers

But… if someone signs up on your link, you get a one off payment of $97 and then 5% of that persons payments over the life of their involvement with the platform. That-is-it.

So, like an MLM the money is in the referrals. But that is about where it ends, there are no downlines or pyramid structure that I can see.

Bobby feeds you crumbs, and he and his mate keep the rest. Much like an MLM I guess.

How does Cliqly Work?

In a nutshell: Like a well oiled slot machine. You put $97 in, make about 40 clicks on your computer and get maybe… $36 back. They supply the lists, you send the spam emails from their system, and the costs and the profits are split between you and them.

(You bear the costs, they bear the profits).

As you keep paying, your credits should keep rising and this allows you to spam more people send more emails.

NOTE:  Once your list reaches a new tier, your account is automatically upgraded to be able to send more emails every day.

Tier 1 – If your Openers List is UP TO 30,000 subscribers, you can send up to 75,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro
Tier 2 – If your Openers List is OVER 30,000 subscribers, you can send up to 100,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro
Tier 3 – If your Openers List is OVER 70,000 subscribers, you can send up to 130,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro
Tier 4 – If your Openers List is OVER 100,000 subscribers, you can send up to 200,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro

Tier 5 – If your Openers List is OVER 150,000 subscribers, you can send up to 250,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro
Tier 6 – If your Openers List is OVER 250,000 subscribers, you can send up to 350,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro
Tier 7 – If your Openers List is OVER 350,000 subscribers, you can send up to 500,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro

Tier 8 – If your Openers List is OVER 500,000 subscribers, you can send up to 650,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro
Tier 9 – If your Openers List is OVER 700,000 subscribers, you can send up to 800,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro
Tier 10 – If your Openers List is OVER 900,000 subscribers, you can send up to 1,000,000 emails a day in CliqlyPro.

Your job is to…

Send Hundreds Of Thousands Of Emails To Their Lists…

Cliqly is a mass emailing system where, as a new Free user…

  • You have 5,000 random email addresses added to your account plus 500,000 sending credits.
  • You send 15 sets of 5,000 emails per day to reach your maximum daily target of 75,000.
  • This is called your “Openers list“.
  • Once those credits are done, you will need to pay to keep spamming people sending emails.

The 3 Step Process for Sending an Email in Cliqly

Sending page of Cliqly's email system.
Spamming 6000 today. Step 1

The last stage of sending an Email from Cliqly. Used in the article Is Cliqly an Easy Way to Earn Online?
Step 3. Sign and send.
An example of Cliqly's proven email creative. Used in the article Is Cliqly an Easy Way to Earn Online?
Step 2. Select “Creative”

I have tried clicking on a few of the links and was blocked from accessing the “opportunity”.

I am presuming they are affiliate links to other products, who pay the owners of Cliqly a commission, from which they pay me 10 cents everytime that link got clicked.

You might get lucky and get a “referral.” But, if you don’t pay $97 you don’t get the $97 referral payment. ?

The Second Part:- “List Building“.

Here you are given 200,000 credits to send 40,000 emails per day, in two parts of 20,000 each.

The CPA (cost per action), links are for people who have paid up, where if someone buys something, then you (supposedly), stand to make substantially more than 10cents, and you can see their email address.

I haven’t seen any substantial CPA payments in any of the payment bragging sheets I have seen online.

I have had a look at the links to CPA products, but none of them took me anywhere. “Page No Longer exists” or just a blank page. ?

Maybe it is none of my business until I pay something.

Checking My Opening Stats on Cliqly.

How the sent emails appear in the Cliqly dashboard. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
I haven’t checked the open rate%, but it seems miniscule.
Is Cliqly an Easy way to make money
hmmmm… no names…
A gif showing a screen with the words "You've got mail" and in the foreground a pair of stockinged feet protruding above a pile of letters. used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.

Thankfully, it is not your email address being used.

All emails sent are sent internally by Cliqly through their own system.

There is no customization options, no font styles, no adding your signature, Nada.

It’s just a 3 click system as shown above. Ok 4, you have to confirm it.

A screen shot of the number of my cliqly contacts and asking me to upgrade to see the contacts. Used in the article, Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
Yesterday I had 5726, today I have 6043…

Where it says “The ability to see and export your openers is reserved for Upgraded Members” raises a couple of issues with me.

Mass email marketing systems such as Mailchimp or Get Response etc; will qualify all the emails you import to their systems.

They call it “scrubbing them,” clean in, bounced email address’s out.

Also, if your emails are being sent from an IP server identified as sending spam because the bounce back rate is extreme, email providers like gmail, yahoo, et el., will block and blacklist your account.

It is the main reason companies like Mailchimp don’t accept affiliate sites into their system.

Actually, reading some of the Cliqly experiences on Trust Pilot, Facebook and Quora, it doesn’t surprise me that it is a continuing problem with Cliqly.

What I have seen from others using this system is, when their opening rates tank (from there current low levels), they contact Cliqly admin, who change the IP address those emails are being sent from.

The revolving backdoor of IP addresses. A must have in this business I guess, as recycling IP addresses is one way to keep this scam business alive. ?

Just another little expense in this dodgiest of email scams schemes.

The system was down for awhile on one day I was using it, and I was thinking “Why would you even think of exporting your list from Cliqly to your own email marketing system?” Crazy!

Others have similar reservations, even when their lists have been cleaned!

But you can send them to MyInboxPro… ?

Ohh what a web they have woven…

A Look at the Back Office and the Costs of Cliqly

I will just give an basic overview of this for those not interested in signing up and checking out the back office of it. Really, you should have clicked away and moved on by now. Cliqly doesn’t even hide the fact that it is a spam scam.

Another option if you don’t want to keep reading is to have a look at this video.

I have another video at the bottom of the article as well, which shows someone who is keeping a spread sheet of her expenditure.

OK…Here we go this is quite mind numbingly simple.

Sorry, I did go a little over the top with red ink.

A screen shot of my Cliqly dashboard. Used in the article Is Cliqly an Easy Way to Earn Online.
My Dashboard.

The dashboard tells me there are 17,191,947 email addresses Cliqly members have to spam email.

These are lists of people who have (apparently), signed up to receive Biz Op emails.

Currently I only have 6070 in my openers list, well below the amount of subscribers needed to send more than 75,000 emails a day.

Just below those stats (in red) you are being asked to watch a 3 minute video. There are two you should watch, if for nothing else other than to kill a bit time.

On the left of the Dashboard where the red arrows are, is where you click to start setting up your emails.

The top arrow is step 1. Click there to launch your 5000 sends x 15. Scroll to the bottom of the page and set your numbers

On day 3 I had issues with the numbers.

Unlike the first day where it was simply a matter of sending 5,000 emails x 15 times, today I tried, to tweak it a little and send 6000 emails 12 times, and another email with 3000 to get to 75,000.

My plan backfired, I could send a minimum of 5000 and a maximum of 20,000 so I was unable to spam send the other 3000.

Should I pay $97? No Way!

The second red arrow points to the List building send area where you send 40,000 emails 20,000 at a time.

Same deal as the first step. Click on the link in the dashboard, scroll to the bottom of the page and send from there.

A gif of Batman thinking. Used in the article, Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?
Sounds sus.

If you are a “Pro” member you have the ability to have your own referral link approved and send emails to it, but as one person mentioned, she sent 70,000 emails to her link and never received one response.

What are the Total Costs Involved with Cliqly?

As I mentioned above it costs $97 to become involved.

A gif of a guy looking hard at something. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online?

But wait, there is more: That is only the start.

You have another option of paying to join the Ad Co-Op. at $197/month per share.

And… You can get as many shares as you’d like (at $197 a pop).

Each share gets you at least 10 Cliqly Free Trial Signups placed on your team (? A single line deep MLM?)

Mr Burns from the Simpsons making a deal. Used in the article Is Cliqly an Easy way to Earn online.

So for $197 you get 10 additional email addresses that will be drip fed to you over a month.

You will have access to their email addresses. Then, your job is to reach out to them via email and introduce yourself as their coach!

And try and squeeze $97.00 out of them.

These have supposedly come from higher rated sites such as U-Tube, Linkedin, or Facebook.

It seems possible to pay less if you take advantage of their bonus offerings, as on this Payment form there is an upgrade “Bonus”

Screenshot of Cliqly bonus on the payment page. Used in the article Is Cliqly an easy way to earn online.
Note No Refunds. Don’t you love it?

If you take advantage of this, then it is $97 + $77= $174.

Retailers call it a saving. ?

Unfortunately I saw where someone tried to claim the bonus and it was no longer available. ??

This is what it is all about. You just keep pouring more money down a funnel to keep spamming.

Credits run out… add more money.

[arrow_forms id=’27816′ widget=’true’]

It is going to keep costing you until you have enough openers to actually make $300.00.

It will happen, there is no way of telling when, or how much money you need to pour into it.

You might do better playing poker machines at a club.

Really, the subscribers stay on Cliqly’s system and you are really just doing their spamming for 10cents a pop, with a bonus of $97 if some ones pays up to be a “Pro email sender”

You have no control of the list, and very limited visibility into data on the performance of the emails sent, other than how many “clickers” you have each day. (screenshot above).

Getting Paid with Cliqly.

The pay out threshold is $300.00 which once arrived at, is paid into your bank account. (Details on setting these up are in the back office of Conversion House media).

They pay weekly. The pay period finishes on Sunday night.

So if you have earned $300 or more the payment amounts are all calculated by Wednesday and distributed on Friday.

You should receive it in your account on the following Wednesday or Thursday.

You always know how much you have earned, because you get a daily update of your commissions, and my total so far after 3 days is $36.00, for the 225,000 spam emails I sent out (360 poened @ 10 cents).

I have no referrals, so no $97.00 boosts for me. ?

If I were a paid up member that $36 would carry over until I reached $300.

Screenshot of my earnings from Cliqly. Used in the article Is Cliqly an Easy Way to Earn Online.
3 days and $36.00

I won’t be upgrading so what happens to my $36.00?

Bobby Jones Gets it. ?

Is Cliqly Reliable with Payments.

I have seen a few complaints on Trustpilot and Quora, but you need to be doubly certain your bank details are correct when signing up for these offers.

We get so used to PayPal that we forget banks still transact money.

Interestingly… a couple of the recent complaints came from people who had been receiving regular payments. ?

So there may problems brewing below the surface.

Currently Cliqly has a 3.7 rating on Trust Pilot.

Is Cliqly an Easy Way to Earn Online. 
Screen shot of the Trust Pilot Rating of Cliqly. 3.7.
Trust Pilot rating of Cliqly.

I am not saying Trust Pilot is the be all, end all of Trust, it has its flaws. A related article on trust pilot here.


Is it a scam or MLM? I don’t see any downlines.

It is unethical, possibly illegal, and like all online scams, it is giving all online businesses a bad name.

It has to be on point paying the people using it. If they stuff up on that the whole thing would collapse in weeks.

So while they keep paying those making $300 or more, and it doesn’t really matter whether they are making a profit or losing money. They will keep playing the game, adding more and hoping the next week will show a profit no matter how small.

Eventually people will wake up… Spending $1700 and in 3 or 4 months you have made a $100 ! Give it up!

It will fail, one way or another, leaving a trail of busted dreams and financial body bags.

I won’t be paying into it. How many red flags do you need?

Another Screenshot of a Cliqly affiliate showing $177.9 in click income and $1888 in referral income.
Did this cost Bobby money?

I have made $12 a day, and that seems about average when looking across other random sites I looked at.

Before you jump in consider this in the screenshot opposite:

Cliqly has paid out $1888 in commissions to this guy.

Of those 19 who paid up, how many are going to crack the $300 payment barrier before paying another $97, or another $97?

Like just on the 10cents a click, and averaging a return of $12 a day, you are digging yourself into a financial black hole at an average of $13.00 (or more), per $97 cycle.

The other question this raises is:

If people are concentrating more on referrals than on sending emails, Bobby is probably not going to be very happy because he will be missing out on click money.

I am sure he has thought of it, and has a plan A,B,& C.

10 thoughts on “Is Cliqly an Easy Way to Earn Online? My No Holds Barred Review of the Mass Emailing Site”

  1. Hi Michael,Thanks for the review, I have been looking at some other email marketing systems and even though i wasn’t looking at Cliqly your review has proved to be a useful breakdown for how to assess any of these systems. It is a shame as there are some really good systems out there but there are so many scammers that it puts most people off even looking.Thanks again for a really detailed reviewPete

  2. I have not come across Cliqly, MyInboxPro or Clicktactix before reading this review. There are so many red flags and missing parts to these businesses, that I am very dubious as to the legitimacy of them. With so many businesses wanting email address for potential customers, I can see that many might be tempted to join Cliqly, with the hope of getting easy access to email lists. 

    Thank you for this detailed review. Cliqly is an email marketing system that I will avoid, and it is not a sustainable way to build a business or get quality customers. 

  3. This review of Cliqly was honest and got straight to the point. It’s so important for people to understand that not all “easy money” platforms are as reliable as they claim to be. 

    Your balanced review highlights the pros and cons, clarifying that Cliqly isn’t the best choice for a sustainable online income. I agree that it certainly is not the best choice for building a sustainable.

    Do you have any top recommendations for platforms that offer a more reliable way to earn online? I’d be curious to know.

    Thank you for sharing this review.

  4. Michael Dubhthaigh

    Yeah Chris, 

    The Cliqly one level MLM. 

    You have one under you and the rest goes straight to the top guy. 

    Thanks for commenting, and yes, the Better Business Bureau is a good resource for complaints even if the company is not a member of the BBB.

  5. Michael Dubhthaigh

    Thank you for your complimentary comment about my article on Cliqly. 

    Hopefully many more people read the review and steer clear of Cliqly.

    The only benefit I can see is it is enriching the guy running the show.

  6. Hey Michael,

    What a brilliant review. Seriously, you have gone into so much detail. the screenshots and links you have added are so detailed and provide such insights into – the web that has been woven, as you so eloquently put it.

    I’ve never heard of Cliqly and frankly given the many red flags you highlighted, don’t want to know too much more about them.

    An excellent review, and incredibly useful.

    Thanks for the review and the manner in which you presented the case.

  7. Looks like the old pyramid scheme has found a new form. And the lack of a privacy policy would definitely send up a red flag for me. Good idea to check with the BBB, they are always my go to resource when dealing with fishy situations. Looks like one scam after another when dealing with these individuals. I will be on the lookout for them now! Thanks for the info and heads up.

  8. Michael Dubhthaigh

    Thanks for your comments Liam.

    It is disappointing to see Cliqly being promoted on sites like LinkedIn and to a lesser extent Medium.  

    I feel it cheapens their reputation and does nothing for the majority of subscribers to those sites (of which I am one). 

    It is good to know that I am not the only one who sees the unethical behaviour of Cliqly.


  9. Liam Tremblay

    Thank you for providing such an in-depth and critical review of Cliqly. You have raised several valid concerns and red flags about Cliqly and its associated platforms. Seeing the red flags surrounding ownership, questionable claims, and related platforms like MyInboxPro and Clicktactix is concerning. The lack of transparency, unclear connections, and doubts about sustainability are all factors that should give potential users pause. Unfortunately, platforms like Cliqly can tarnish the reputation of legitimate online businesses, and I appreciate your efforts in shedding light on these matters.
    Your detailed review serves as a cautionary tale for those considering Cliqly and a reminder to approach online opportunities with a critical mindset.

  10. Wow, this is an incredibly detailed and thorough review of Cliqly. Thank you for sharing all of this information and breaking down the various aspects of the platform. It’s evident that you’ve done your research and have raised valid concerns about the legitimacy of Cliqly. The red flags you’ve highlighted and the observations you’ve made are definitely cause for caution. It’s important for anyone considering joining such a platform to thoroughly evaluate the risks and potential outcomes. Your insights are valuable for anyone looking to make an informed decision.

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